Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Josi Poling                   3rd period                    February 5,2014                  Bell Ringer

Do you agree or disagree with this change?  Why/Why Not?
            I agree in a way and in a way I disagree, I agree because pop is really bad for everyone's health. Then I disagree because people that are use to drinking pop everyday could have withdrawals from the lack of caffeine.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Quiz's               Josi Poling                  October 25,2013

2.) Overall, your political values are closest to those of a… Moderate Republican

3.) Your political compass

Economic Left/Right: 0.25
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 0.72

4.) You Are 70% Conservative, 30% Liberal

5.) Your PERSONAL issues Score is 50%

Your ECONOMICS issues Score is 70%

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Josi Poling                    Bell Ringer                              October 22, 2013

   1.  Do you believe this is a frivolous law suit?  Why or why not?

 No, because he wasn't suppose to be doing that anyways. So its his fault no one else.

2,  On another note, do you believe the men who toppled the rock should be charged with destruction of property?  Why or Why not?

Yes, because he knew he wasn't allowed to be doing that , if he followed the rules this wouldn't have happened in the first place.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Josi Poling       October 7,2013         Bell ringer

1. What does this say about our national security?
     Our security is not good at all and it is suppose to be. I fell that they should look into this and get it fixed as soon as possible.

 2.  Are you surprised that something like this could happen in 2013?
       I'm not surprised that something like this would happen in this year because they are changing everything and they can't keep up with everything.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Bellringer     September 6, 2013

1. Write a reaction to the article.
    I don't believe that he should have hit his child, he should have worked with him/her longer instead of taking it out on him/her. The father could have punished him a different way.

2. What do the father's action show?
     The fathers actions show that he wants he child to have good and proper grammer.

3. Would this have been acceptable in the 1950s?
    Yes, this would have been acceptable in the 1950, they was allowed to disapline their children like that.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Bellringer     Sep. 5, 2013 

1. Should McDonalds raise the prices on its "Dollar Menu?" Justify your answer.
    No I don't think they should raise the price on the dollar menu, because it's good for some people cause they don't have to spend as much money.

2. Should entry level fast food workers be paid a "living wage?"
    Yes, because they are doing thingfor you that you don't want to do your self. They work every day to please you.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Bellringer   September 3,2013

1. Do you think this is invasion of your privacy? Justify your answer.
    Yes, because everythimg you post should be privete unless you say so.

2. Does this comply with the terms and conditions for use of Facebook? Have you read them?
    Yes, because everything you post is suppose to be kept personal.

3. Does this violate your 4th Amendment rights?
   Yes, because everything you say or do should be kept personal.